Avoid Cyber Monday scams

Avoid Cyber Monday scams

Avoid Cyber Monday scams

While shopping online for the best deals Monday make sure to watch out for fake websites that may be trying to steal your information.

The Better Business Bureau recommends you stay alert for prices much lower than you have seen in other places, compare prices, and research products so you don’t give your credit card information to scammers.

The BBB also recommends you ensure the site you are visiting starts with “https”, which ensures it is secure. They also discourage clicking on Facebook ads, as some with contain malware or viruses, and suggest you read the product details and return policies closely before buying anything.

You’re also encouraged to pay with a credit card to make it easier to dispute charges if your item does not arrive. Consumers also have the right to reject merchandise if it is defective and to receive a refund if the goods cannot be shipped on time.

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