Star Spangled Salute: 50 For The Fallen

Star Spangled Salute: 50 For The Fallen

Star Spangled Salute: 50 For The Fallen














The Star Spangled Salute is presented by



Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Master Sergeant Chad Conley.  Chad will be leading a group of first responders and active special forces operators that have proudly served in the Global War on Terror, as they leave Yankee Stadium today at 3:30p Eastern time and being a 50 mile ruck that will end at Ground Zero Saturday morning at approximately 7:30 a.m Eastern time, about 1 hours and 15 minutes to the day, 20 years ago when the first plane hit the north tower of the World Trade Center. With each member of the team carrying a pack that weighs 50 pounds, they are walking to honor and celebrate the lives lost and raise money for the families of the fallen.  To everyone involved in this project thank you and to the service members on the ruck, THANK YOU for your service.


You can help and donate at 50 FOR THE FALLEN





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