Andover issues guidelines for building repair work

Andover issues guidelines for building repair work

Andover issues guidelines for building repair work


As damage assessment continues in Andover, inspectors are working to determine what buildings are safe to occupy, and when utilities can be restored. To help answer question, Andover provided the following release.

In response to the tornado event on April 29, 2022, the City of Andover Community Development Department has conducted Damage Assessment of over 180 structures to determine the level of damage caused by the storm. All structures were given a rating of Safe, Unsafe, Habitable, or Limited Entry. As these structures are considered for re-occupancy, certain
requirements must be met in order to have utilities re-energized and once again be suitable for

Those structures deemed “Safe” or “Habitable” may have utilities re-energized without permits or
inspections unless the utility provider or City Building Inspection Staff have noted specific damages that would create an unsafe condition if utilities were energized. Those structures deemed “Limited Entry” or “Unsafe” will need work to the structure or utility facilities that require City of Andover permits and inspections prior to re-energization of utilities or occupancy.

Consultation inspections with the City Building Inspection Staff may be requested to re-assess the
condition of a structure in more detail at no charge.

Permits and inspections are required for all work not specifically exempted. Examples of items may
include: 100 square feet or less of drywall repair or replacement, 400 square feet or less of roofing
repair or replacement, repair or replacement of siding materials, or the repair or replacement of
windows, doors, or skylights. All permit fees will be waived for any work to demolish, repair, or
reconstruct structures damaged by the storm. The repair or replacement of fences 6 feet or less in
height with like materials on the same alignment as the existing fence will be allowed without permits or inspections.

All work that requires permits and inspections must be performed by contractors licensed to do
business in the City, except for those specific exemptions listed in the Code of the City of Andover,

The City of Andover Community Development Department can be contacted by telephone at (316) 977-9422 or email

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