JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: An Army Veteran That Continues To Serve

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: An Army Veteran That Continues To Serve

JJ’s Star Spangled Salute: An Army Veteran That Continues To Serve






Today we honor Army Veteran Sylvia Moore.  Sylvia joined the Army at the age of 19, inspired by her dad, who served in the Army in Vietnam. After 4 years that included deployments in Somalia and Haiti, Sylvia wanted to apply her military experience to her next chapter. She found fitness. After traveling around working as a fitness instructor at different locations, she landed at a retirement home teaching fitness and yoga classes to other Veterans. Sylvia was soon invited to join the VFW where she has been recognized for her continued service to the community through their “#StillServing” campaign. Thank you for sharing your gifts Sylvia and THANK YOU for your service.





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