Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Dies Doing What She Loved

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Dies Doing What She Loved

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Dies Doing What She Loved

Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Marine Veteran Angela Madsen. After an accident and a botched surgery Angela was paralyzed from the waist down. Her life spiraled and she became homeless.  However thanks to help and support from the DAV, Angela found herself again and found her passion for sports, in particular rowing.  In 2012, Angela won the bronze medal in the Summer Paralympics in London.  She competed in the javelin and shot put in the 2016 games and rowed across the Atlantic ocean twice.  Sadly, just the other day, Angela was 60-days into a row across the Pacific when it was discovered she died while in the water trying to repair her boat.  Retired Marine Maj. Nico Marcolongo of the Challenged Athletes Foundation described Madsen as an “example of the human spirit and what one can accomplish when one puts their mind to it.”  Rest in Peace Angela and thank you for your service.


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