Star Spangled Salute-Veteran Survives Ian In a Trailer

Star Spangled Salute-Veteran Survives Ian In a Trailer

Star Spangled Salute-Veteran Survives Ian In a Trailer





The Star Spangled Salute is brought to you by Ideal Feet



Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors 96-year-old World War II Veteran Walter. This member of the “Greatest Generation” is lucky to be alive today.  When Hurricane Ian was bearing down on the Florida coast, Walter thought it was going to hit down the coast from him, so he decided to ride it out in his trailer despite telling his family he went to a shelter. Almost everyone around him evacuated, he stayed, sitting in his favorite blue recliner while the wind howled.  The the flood waters came and he spent the night floating in his chair, while his trailer floated free of it’s foundation.  Walter survived, lost his home, is now living in an assisted living home temporarily while his home gets rebuilt. When asked what he learned from this experience, Walter said, next time he’s leaving.  Glad you’re okay Walter and THANK YOU for your service.




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