Executive Order Issued Lifting Motor Carrier Restrictions to Expedite Weather Relief

Executive Order Issued Lifting Motor Carrier Restrictions to Expedite Weather Relief

Executive Order Issued Lifting Motor Carrier Restrictions to Expedite Weather Relief


Due to the inclement weather, Governor Kelly issued an Executive Order this week to provide conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations so that assistance can more quickly get to impacted areas of the state.

The order lifts certain restrictions on motor carriers, such as some driving time limitations, to allow needed fuels, relief supplies, and other items to move through Kansas as quickly as possible. These exceptions apply only to motor carriers directly assisting State and local response efforts.

Governor Kelly said she agrees with the Kansas Department of Emergency Management’s declaration of a state of emergency in the state. Executive Order #22-09 will be in effect until rescinded or until January 20th, whichever comes first. The order can be viewed here.

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