Star Spangled Salute: A WWII Veteran Goes Skiing

Star Spangled Salute: A WWII Veteran Goes Skiing

Star Spangled Salute: A WWII Veteran Goes Skiing







Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors a member of “The Greatest Generation”, WWII Veteran Raymond Joseph.  Raymond didn’t start skiiing until the age of 50 when whe began working construction in Alaska, and he hasn’t stopped since. This year, for his 98th birthday, Raymond went skiing again with friends and family.  At the end of his run, everyone gathered to host a birthday party for Raymond at the resort. There was even a group of skiers who were part of a Silver Ski class who joined in the fun and led Raymond in a procession to his party.  Keep living your best life Raymond and THANK YOU for your service.





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