
On Air

Roxanne Stuart

On-Air Saturdays 10-2, Sundays 1-6 and Fill In

JJ’s That’s Trending: A 5th Grader Takes A Lot of Lunch Money To School

JJ’s That’s Trending: A 5th Grader Takes A Lot of Lunch Money To School

JJ’s That’s Trending: A 5th Grader Takes A Lot of Lunch Money To School





Off to Blue Springs, Missouri for today’s Awesome.  When I was in 5th grade I did a report on snakes that I thought was really awesome. I’m sure 5th grader Daken Kramer has done a lot of great school work but it was what he did for his classmates that is getting talked about. Through hard work and fundraising, Daken sought out to raise money to pay off school lunch debts for his classmates. How much did he raise, a whopping $7300. The district has over $150,000 in school lunch debt. Kramer was able to pay off debt for his elementary school and had some left to also help at a nearby high school. Teacher Kristi Haley said he did it because he wanted to leave his legacy at the school. That he did, so much so, that starting next year, there will be an annual award given to one student to celebrate kindness, generosity and legacy and it will be called the Daken Kramer Legacy Award.   Inspiring others with kindness,







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