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Roxanne Stuart

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Sedgwick County seeing sharp decline in COVID numbers

Sedgwick County seeing sharp decline in COVID numbers

Sedgwick County seeing sharp decline in COVID numbers


Sedgwick County is seeing a sharp decline in daily COVID case rate.

Numbers spiked early in the year, as thousands more people than usual sought COVID tests after the holidays. The county went from about 3,000 tests a day, up toward 7,000 during the peak. That number has dropped to about 2,000 tests a day during the past week. The surge of people being tested led to surge in case numbers. The went from 200 cases a day on average, up to 1100. Now that far fewer people are being tested, the average daily case number has dropped to 310.

The percentage of tests coming back positive rose as high as 23% in January, but it has already fallen to 14%. It is important to note that this figure can shift wildly based on how many people are being tested, what restrictions are put on testing, and how often data is updated.

Follow the link below to see the latest figures.

Sedgwick County COVID Dashboard


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