
On Air

Dana Lundon

Mon - FrI 10 AM - 3PM

Star Spangled Salute: Help for Veterans on PTSD Awareness Day

Star Spangled Salute: Help for Veterans on PTSD Awareness Day

Star Spangled Salute: Help for Veterans on PTSD Awareness Day





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Today’s Star Spangled Salute recognized all the military men and women who suffer with PTSD, on PTSD Awareness Day.  Did you know that up to 30% of service members  experience some sort of post-traumatic stress from their experiences during wartime or deployments, and that PTSD can be debilitating.  A lot of times, the first key to healing is sleep.  Dr. Yuval Neria, a Columbia University professor of medical psychology and PTSD expert, says chronic nightmares are really common and sleep or even wanting to sleep to avoid those demons, becomes a real issue, because it creates this feeling needing to be “chronically vigilant”.  Enter Tom Satterly and his wife Jen.  Tom’s military life was portrayed in the Oscar winning film, “Blackhawk Down”. The couple have since started the non-profit, “The All Secure Foundation” to help Veterans suffering with PTSD. Along with industry professionals, they are providing hope.  Thank you to Tom and Jen and all who are helping the Veterans and to those Veterans, THANK YOU for your service.





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