Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Has Something Brewing

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Has Something Brewing

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Has Something Brewing

Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors 94-year old WWII veteran Bob “Sarge” Sargent.  Bob worked at GM for 31 years, he’s worked in the ministry, has been a handy man at a local university and his latest gig is as a barista at Salvation Coffee Co., which is owned by his granddaughter and son-in-law, who is also a veteran.  Bob says he’s tried to retire but he says, “I can’t stand to do nothing!”  Bob loves his new gig because he won’t take a paycheck for his barista skills, instead he loves being able to mingle with people.  Bob credits his mother’s DNA and his faith for his longevity.  Thank you Bob for your service.


CLICK HERE for the full story


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