Star Spangled Salute: Answering The Call For A Veteran

Star Spangled Salute: Answering The Call For A Veteran

Star Spangled Salute: Answering The Call For A Veteran

Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Navy veteran Herman White of Perry, Oklahoma.  Herman joined the Navy in 1945 and on August 11th he passed away.  Now, the local funeral home is inviting the public to attend his funeral and give this World War II veteran a hero’s goodbye because he wife and son, the only family he had left, died some years ago.  So far, groups from across the state and the nation say they plan to attend and want to speak, including a senator from Oklahoma.  The funeral is planned for September 4th and the funeral director says “I hope it’s packed.  I hope there is red right and blue flags for miles, I hope there is military men saluting as we come in, I hope it is nothing like this country has never seen because I think he deserves it.”  Thank you Herman for your service.


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