
On Air

JJ Hayes

Mon - Fri 5:00 AM to 10 AM

Tattoo ‘Regerts’? Cover up ‘YOLO’ with ‘FIDO’ Thanks to PetSmart

Tattoo ‘Regerts’? Cover up ‘YOLO’ with ‘FIDO’ Thanks to PetSmart

Tattoo ‘Regerts’? Cover up ‘YOLO’ with ‘FIDO’ Thanks to PetSmart





If you love tatoos and have tattoos, chances are you’ve done a cover up.  Big or small, we’ve all had our reasons to no longer show off the ink that represents an old relationship or some other poor life choice. It can be as expensive if not more expensive to cover it up or get it removed all together. Why pay for it, when you can get it FREE.


PetSmart has your chance with the “PetSmart Tattoo Redo”.  It’s easy.


PetSmart is offering to cover your bad ink with a tattoo of your favorite pet. The national chain is running a nationwide contest called “PetSmart Tattoo Redo.” Five winners will be flown to Los Angeles to get unwanted tattoos covered by new ones based on photos of their pets. The prize includes travel from anywhere in the United States, a two-night stay in Los Angeles, and a trip to Alium Tattoo Studio in Culver City. The contest ends at the end of the month, and winners will be announced in May.


You have about a week and a half left to enter, what are you waiting for.  Whether it’s a misspelling, a ‘tramp stamp’, a mandarin word you were told meant love and it was really the word for ‘toaster’ – whatever your reason, enter today








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