
On Air

Dana Lundon

Mon - FrI 10 AM - 3PM

Star Spangled Salute: A Marine Veteran Goes For Gold

Star Spangled Salute: A Marine Veteran Goes For Gold

Star Spangled Salute: A Marine Veteran Goes For Gold














Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Marine Veteran Oz Sanchez.  Oz was heading down a bad path with drugs and gangs in high school, then he enlisted in the Marine Corp, inspired by his older brother who was in the Army.  After 2 deployments with the Marines, he took on his next challenge, to become a Navy Seal, but just weeks before Basic Underwater Demo School, Oz was in a really bad motorcycle accident that paralyzed him from the waist down.  At first he didn’t handle it well, but then he discovered hand cycling.  He is currently one of the best hand cyclist in the country and has his sights set on grabbing 3 gold medals at the upcoming 2020 Tokyo Paralympic games. Good luck Oz and thank you for your service.

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