Star Spangled Salute: 100 Mile Run for Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: 100 Mile Run for Veterans

Star Spangled Salute: 100 Mile Run for Veterans


The Star Spangled Salute is presented by



Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Veteran Caleb Wedger.  Caleb served in the Minnesota National Guard for 9 years, was deployed for 6 months in Kuwait and Afghanistan and 2 weeks before he left for basic training his dad took his own life. Last year, Caleb began a journey to raise awareness for Veteran suicide, he partnered with the organization Freedom Fishing Foundation and decided to run 100 miles, for the 100 Veterans who take their lives each year in his state.  For a guy who hates running, he finished the 100 miles in 35 hours, 36 minutes and 44 seconds.  Thank you Caleb for your determination and THANK YOU for your service.






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