Star Spangled Salute: Air Force Veteran Makes A Request From the Grave

Star Spangled Salute: Air Force Veteran Makes A Request From the Grave

Star Spangled Salute: Air Force Veteran Makes A Request From the Grave



The Star Spangled Salute is presented by



Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Air Force Veteran Milton Andrew Munson.  Milton died on November 16th at the age of 73 but it’s his obituary that is the story today.  It told the story of Milton’s life as an Air Force veteran, a pharmacist, husband and father, and as a Nebraska football fan. So much a fan that in his obit, he wrote, “In lieu of flowers, please place an irresponsibly large wager on Nebraska beating Iowa.”.  A local sports radio host got wind of this and soon donations started coming in, at last check over $7,000.  The family said some of the money will go to Big Brothers/Big Sisters and part will honor Milton’s request.  As far as the game tonight, Nebraska quarterback Adrian Martinez is out, but Milton’s son Todd wrote on Twitter that the Huskers will be getting some help from other places. “If the ghost of my old man can’t will the Huskers to victory on Friday, then they truly are a lost cause.”.  For Milton, Go Huskers, and THANK YOU Milton for your service.






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