Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Finds Art After A Cancer Diagnosis

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Finds Art After A Cancer Diagnosis

Star Spangled Salute: A Veteran Finds Art After A Cancer Diagnosis





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Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Veteran Michael VanCleemput.  Ever since he was 12, Michael has been an artist. Right before joining the military, he did scientific illustrations with the United States Bureau of Mines, which then led to doing illustrations in the service. A lot of the pictures Michael drew went to the Pentagon.  Michael created pottery and then switched to painting after developing carpal tunnel, he now is displaying his art as a way to deal with a recent terminal cancer diagnosis.  By staying positive and painting, Michael says he’s exercising his free will.  He is not viewing this as an unhappy time, Michaels says he’s choosing to be happy and find a beautiful way to have life end for him on earth, and that’s what his paintings are about. Thank you Michael for inspiring through art and THANK YOU for your service.





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