
On Air

Roxanne Stuart

On-Air Saturdays 10-2, Sundays 1-6 and Fill In

Star Spangled Salute-A Kansas Veteran and His Purple Heart

Star Spangled Salute-A Kansas Veteran and His Purple Heart

Star Spangled Salute-A Kansas Veteran and His Purple Heart





The Star Spangled Salute is brought to you by


Today’s Star Spangled Salute honors Retired World War II Air Force Veteran Aaron Bura.  A 99-years-old, Aaron looks back on his time in the service with great pride and appreciation.  He entered the Air Force at 19 and served 31 months in the South Pacific.  He said he got to see parts of the world and do things in the military that he probably never would have done otherwise. He was a radio operator, a camera man and a gunner.  It was on his 35th mission, a bombing run with small, heavily armed boats carrying oil as his target that he was wounded and he received a Purple Heart.  After his service, he married, raised a family and continued to volunteer to help other Veterans. THANK YOU Aaron for your service.





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