JJ’s That’s Trending: Flu At The Zoo, A REALLY Deep Space Discovery, A $5.5M Kick and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: Flu At The Zoo, A REALLY Deep Space Discovery, A $5.5M Kick and More

JJ’s That’s Trending: Flu At The Zoo, A REALLY Deep Space Discovery, A $5.5M Kick and More





What are you going to be talking about with your friends, family and co-workers today?  Chances are one of these stories will come up.  Here are 5 things you need to know for Tuesday Nov. 14, 2023



1. Well, better late than never I guess. The US Supreme Court adopted its first-ever formal code of ethics for its nine justices yesterday after facing criticism over reports of some justices’ ethical practices, such as undisclosed gifts and trips seen as a possible conflicts of interest.





2. The Sedgwick County Zoo has temporariliy closed it’s bird exhibit after the discovery of a dead duck with the Avian Flu.


Sedgwick County Zoo closes bird exhibits due to avian flu


3. Could the development of the Wichita Riverfront FINALLY be happening. The plan will be revealed at a public hearing on the 21st of this month to talk about a plan for the long rumored hotel plus residential spaces for up to 150 families.




4. If you want to feel small, this should do it.  The James Webb Telescope just disovered the 2nd and 4th most distant galaxies ever observed.  The galaxies are about 33 billion light years away from earth.





5. and a bettor in Florida just won $5.5M on a 4 part Parlay on the Texans - Bengals game on Sunday. It is the largest payout of a 4 part parlay ever by a U.S. sportsbook.  It all started with a $500K bet.  You heard that right, someone out there was willing to loose $500K like you and I would put $20 down on a round of black out bingo. So, as you tighten your belt to deal with rising grocery prices, this person just wagered more in one bet than many would make in over a decade. Let that sink in.




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